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Montana witnesses a sharp rise in car accident fatalities


A report recently released by the Montana Highway Patrol says that fatalities related to car accidents in the state have seen a sharp 10 percent climb last year. In all there were 224 cases of wrongful death from a total of 198 accidents in the past year. The report points out that fatal car crash rates in the state increased between the hours of 9 p.m. and 10 p.m. Data analysis has also suggested that most accidents occur on Saturdays and most cases of fatal car crashes take place in the month of August.

The report suggests that the highest contributing factors in fatal accidents are alcohol, drugs, erratic or negligent driving, inattentiveness, excessive speed or not keeping in the right lane. One good bit of news is that, although alcohol remains the greatest contributing factor in causing highway fatalities, there has been a 30 percent plunge in the rate of wrongful death due to the influence of alcohol in the past year. Montana authorities have assigned credit to the highway patrol for curbing the problem of driving under the influence.

Officers at the Montana Department of Transportation have said that the highest rates of fatal car crashes are found between May and October. Long days and dry roads make drivers complacent on the road. Practicing extra caution, diligence and sobriety would ensure safety on the roads, officers said. Driving safely would also include not taking phone calls or texting while driving.

The road safety scene in Montana is undergoing a transformation with its Vision Zero endeavor combining the resources and efforts of law enforcement authorities and public safety outfits. The aim is to eliminate road fatalities and crashes across Montana and ensure public safety with increased patrol and augmented policing initiatives. However, if you are a victim of a car accident, a Montana wrongful death attorney can help a family cope.
