While it is indisputable that the phenomenon of aviation has transformed Montana life. It is necessary to remember that air travel and transport are made possible by a combination of machines, human ability and intelligence. Thus, human fallibility can cause unfortunate consequences that tend to be tragic on an unimaginable scale. However, it is possible to understand such incidents and thereby prevent repetition of avoidable errors.
Machines, in general, and aircrafts, in particular, often seem to achieve functions beyond the scope of their constituent parts. This functioning is dependent on the optimal performance of all these parts. The usual practice is to ensure that all components are fully operational with periodic checks. Failure to do so and assuming that all the aircraft modules are in perfect working order can be a recipe for disaster and is a commonly known cause of many plane crashes.
Given that airplanes, like most machines, require human operation, any lapse or error can have grave consequences. Piloting an airplane can involve a number of things, including misinterpreting traffic control instructions or misreading instrument data. While it may be argued that pilots are trained to avoid such errors, pilots too fatigued or sick to fly make what might be called "elementary errors."
Many aviation accidents have also been attributed to faulty or fraudulent parts which tend to wear out much faster than original and accurately designed ones. Often, it may be impossible to determine that a part is counterfeit or damaged in some way until after an accident. While parts manufacturers and safety councils try to communicate information where available about such parts, accidents can still happen due to an airline operator's lapse in parts replacement.
When dealing with machines as complex as airplanes, it is best to err on the side of caution. Even if the physics behind aircraft operation is fairly well-established, the negative impact of age or weather conditions on the interlinked functioning of components may still come as a surprise. Ideally, pilot training should ensure that the pilots know what steps to take in the event of an unexpected accident involving unpredictable conditions.